Online-Prüfung dezentral

Re: Online-Prüfung dezentral

di Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Numero di risposte: 0
Immagine Speziell hilfreiche Moodler
Hallo Chantal

Den Stand der Technik vermittelt diese Präsentation:

Implementing remotely invigilated online exams at scale
25 March 2020
Presenters: Kylie Day and Jennifer Lawrence (University of New England, Australia)

This session explored key lessons and successes of the University of New England's experience in implementing large scale remotely invigilated (proctored) online exams where students use their own computer to do an exam in their own space under supervised conditions. ...
Gefunden in Re: Moodle Quizzes during Coronavirus. Der Beitrag selber ist sehr inhaltreich.